Sunday, November 11, 2007

Guido Bondioli's Drawing classes

Tuesday and Thursday From 9:00 to 1:00
At Talla's house in Santa Cruz

Go east of the dock or west from Paxanax
Tuition fee : Q50

Saturday : Advanced study by appointment.

The Tuesday and Thursday sessions are appropriate for anyone at any level of experience. The format is guided experience, beginning with a kinetic warm up and proceeding through four or five exercises focused on habit development; building the drawing by moving from general to specific. We finish with a live model when a model is available.

As most of the exercises are guided experiences, lecture content is kept to a minimum. The medium can be anything you care to bring to work with. Many people prefer pastels, others paint. We provide a basic assortment of stuff to draw with. We have appropriate paper.

The intention of each exercise is to lead the participant to make visual choices. To draw by seeing. The drawings are composed. That is, the forms of the composition are given a position in space.

This is fast paced with quick results. It is fun.

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